Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Match Day 2008

We didn't think it would ever come... but it finally did! Jeremy and his class had Match Day on March 20th. It was wonderful to have both of our families together for such a special day. Adam, Liz, and Canaan (Jeremy's brother, his wife, and our precious nephew) were even able to come down from Greenville, South Carolina. We found out that Jeremy will be doing his residency here in Jackson in Anesthesiology. We could not have been happier!! Our friends Jack and Missy, Justin and Kate, and Patrick and Crystal will be staying here as well! We are thrilled about being close to our family for the next five years (especially when the baby comes).


Kristy Jones said...

Yay, Sarah! I'm so glad you are blogging so I can stalk you like I stalk everyone else!! You need to change the link to my blog. It is Kristyandstevenjones.blogspot.com .I miss you and can't wait to see you soon. Lets definitley grab dinner one night this week!!

Mitch and Cindy said...

I am so glad you are staying! Congrats Jeremy! Sarah, the blog looks great. I look forward to reading your post.

Shelley said...

Congratulations, Jeremy!! I'm so glad y'all are staying in town. Your blog looks fantastic...you're a natural!:)